In certain circumstances, it must be admitted. We are tempted to drive without insurance! Some people risk it and escape the authorities by chance. But if unfortunately, you had a car accident? The law is stringent on this subject, and the car can cause damage to others or be damaged by a third party. For all these reasons, it requires the driver to subscribe at least third party insurance.

Automobile insurance is compulsory and It requires owners to insure their motor vehicles traveling on public roads, whether intended for the transport of persons or goods. So, if you own a passenger car, a motorcycle, a truck, a caravan, a tractor or a forklift, do not forget to take out auto insurance that covers you for any damage caused to others.

What is the minimum subscription required by law?

Since the “motor civil liability” is the minimum imposed by law, the insurer who has caused damage is therefore bound to repair or indemnify it through its insurer. We also speak of “third-party guarantee.” It is an essential cover against property damage, physical damage, or accidental damage that may occur suddenly. Ensuring third-party pay is one way to pay for your car insurance cheaper.

Who is this type of formula mainly intended for?

If you hesitate in your choice and in your search for the best possible insurance, that will fit best for your needs, According to here are suitable profiles, which will help you in your future choice:

  • You have a used car
  • You own an old car
  • You only use your vehicle occasionally
  • You are a young driver

If you recognize yourself in one of these points, you may want to consider taking out a third party auto insurance policy.

What other guarantees?

Since there are several cases of damage, the insured may include in his contract other guarantees that are optional, but necessary. It can be a guarantee that covers the driver in the event of an accident or a guarantee it enjoys in case of theft, breakage of ice or fire. Insurance organizations are diversifying their offerings to meet all expectations for auto insurance. The ” all risks ” is an offer that includes virtually all guarantees!

Why opt for an all-risk insurance policy?

If you have the means to enable you to sign an all-risk auto insurance policy, here are the advantages that will bring you:

You will benefit from better guarantees: in the clear, you will be better insured!

If you have just bought a new car or you have a high-end vehicle, it is better to take no chances. 

Driving without insurance: the sanctions Legally, what is the risk if you drive without insurance?

Beyond the simple contravention, driving without insurance or ” lack of insurance ” is a violation of the law that can have several consequences. The perpetrator of this offense is fined heavily. This fine, once pronounced, may be accompanied by a multitude of penalties such as: 

  1. The suspension of the permit or its cancellation with a ban on obtaining a new one for an average of three years,
  2. The prohibition against driving certain types of motorized land vehicles for a maximum of 5 years,
  3. The obligation to complete a road safety awareness training at his own expense or the confiscation of the vehicle.

Lack of insurance may find it hard to find a new insurer later, and prices for auto insurance contracts may rise.