Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease or ASCVD is classified as a heart disease that occurs when the arteries of the heart are narrowed down due to the buildup of plaque. The plaque gathers on the walls of the arteries and it blocks the arteries.

What is the function of arteries? They are blood vessels and help in supplying blood from the heart to other body parts. They are composed of thin line cells; these cells make the blood flow smooth and possible. The cells are known as ‘endothelium’. Atherosclerotic occurs when this becomes damaged, this can cause cholesterol, which is harmful to you and your body, to build up in the arteries. With you can easily check out the levels of risk attached to your heart.

To fix this, the body takes the help of white blood cells to clean up the cholesterol and retrieve smooth blood flow but the cells can get stuck in the arteries. This builds up over time and forms a plaque. The plaque is composed of calcium, macrophages, cholesterol, and numerous other substances that are in the blood.

There can be occasions when the plaque grows to a specific size and then stop, this can cause no damage. But, in more severe cases, the plaque can block the blood supply to other parts of the body. This makes blood clots more likely and can also lead to numerous other conditions that can be life-threatening.

However, in other cases, the plaque opens up. This can lead to platelet gathering in the area affected. This can also lead to the formation of blood clots that can block the artery and lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) is dangerous and a threat to your life. It can happen without you knowing, this is why it is important for you to be aware of all the symptoms and its preventions. There are a few safety steps that you can take that can prevent this from happening. However, you must fully equip yourself with all the knowledge regarding this.

At the very end, if you are interested in learning more about this topic, there are places such as where you can get your advanced cardiac medical certificate. And as a medically certified health professional, you are more likely to be able to recognize all the symptoms and act professionally.

So, here are a few symptoms you will encounter. If you do, it is best advised that you go to see a doctor as soon as you can. And even if you don’t, then make frequent visits to your doctor so you are aware of everything going on in your body.


No specific symptoms are shown until a person experiences a severe condition like a heart attack etc. However, you won’t see a sign until an artery is severely narrowed down.

The signs you see will also depend on the type of arteries that are blocked.

Carotid Arteries

Carotid arteries provide blood supply to your brain. If these arteries become blocked and the blood supply hinders (this disease is known as ‘carotid artery disease’), then you will face symptoms of a stroke.

The symptoms of a stroke are listed below:

  • Sudden and severe headache
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Spontaneous weakness
  • Feeling confused
  • Numbness of parts of the body (face, arms and legs etc.)
  • Paralysis or inability to move
  • Difficulty in understanding speech or speaking
  • Feeling dizziness, having difficulty balancing, unexplained falling, and having trouble walking
  • Problems in seeing from one or both eyes
  • Losing consciousness

Peripheral Arteries

Blocking of these arteries leads to a disease called ‘peripheral artery disease’. The arteries supply blood to the pelvis, legs, and arms.

You can encounter numbness, occasionally dangerous infections, and pain.

Renal Arteries

‘Chronic kidney disease’ can be contracted due to the blockage of these arteries. They supply blood rich in oxygen to your kidneys. This can also lead to kidney dysfunction or failure over time.

During its early stages, you may not notice any specific symptoms or signs. But, later on, you may experience loss of appetite, change in urination (either too little or too much), tiredness, nausea, trouble in concentrating, itching, swelling of hands and feet, and even numbness.

Coronary Arteries

These arteries supply blood to your heart. If the plaque narrows them down, it will cause a disease called ‘ischemic heart disease’. The common sign you will face is angina.

Angina is the squeezing pain you will feel when your heart isn’t getting enough blood. You may also feel it in your jaw, neck, arms, back, or shoulders. The pain increases when you move and go away when you rest. Emotional stress can also cause this.

Shortness of breath and arrhythmias are two other symptoms you will face. Arrhythmia is difficulty with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat.


Here are a few precautionary measures that you can take to avoid such complications.


Exercising is excellent for your overall health as well. Other than helping in weight loss, it also helps in lower blood pressure and improves fitness levels.

So, make sure that at least you are exercising five days every week. Other than that, it is advised to go for a walk every day. Walking can have a positive impact on your health and also keeps you fresh and going.

Quit Smoking

Smoking has a big effect on your health. It can cause numerous deadly diseases like cancer etc. It can also cause atherosclerosis. Smoking raises blood pressure. There are many other things those smoking causes which can be injurious to your health.

If you are a smoker, then you should try and quit as soon as possible. Arrange meetings with your doctor. There may be relapses but the key is to not quit and be committed to it once you make up your mind about giving this habit up.

Healthy Diet

Diet is important. If you want to live a long and complexities free life, then keeping a healthy diet is the least you can do. Yes, you are allowed to treat yourself to junk food every once in a while but not too often. So, ditch the burger, fries, pizza and soda drinks, etc.

For atherosclerosis, you might want to let go of foods with saturated fat as they can increase the level of bad cholesterol in your body. A few foods that you should include in your diet are nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, oily fish and walnuts etc. Also, vegetables are good for your health so, sketch out a diet chart and follow it.