
Software developers are always busy creating apps that can help you in just about any life situation, from work to travel to school to hobbies. So, it’s no surprise that many apps are available to help you stay healthy, something especially important while the COVID-19 virus is still active.

The apps listed here can assist you in eating nutritious foods, exercising, maintaining good habits, relieving stress, getting important information, and much more. Use them during quarantine or any time you need a little healthy support.

1. Mayo Clinic


During the pandemic, you need to know whether your symptoms are the virus, the flu, or just a cold. The Mayo Clinic is one of the top hospitals in the U.S. and this app can help you get information from its trusted medical professionals. Get health tips, news, videos, and more, or search for symptoms to help you understand what condition you may have and how to treat it. If you happen to be a Mayo Clinic patient, you can also track your appointments and get test results.

2. CDC


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the most trusted sources for information about COVID-19 and other illnesses. Use this app to find out what’s new with the pandemic, including case counts, images, and other up-to-date information. You can also use it to get tips for how to protect yourself or what to do if you or someone in your household is sick.

3. Allrecipes

This app makes it easy to find healthy recipes to make while you’re staying at home. You can search by type of cuisine, meal, ingredients on hand, or special diets. Recipes are clear, easy to follow, and complete with photos and nutrition information. You can even watch videos for step-by-step instructions. When you find recipes you like, you can label favorites, create grocery shopping lists, and share with friends using the social features.

4. SworkIT


Exercise is always important and even more so during times of stress. This app can help you get your workouts even when you can’t go to the gym. Whether you’re looking for strength, cardio, or stretching routines, you’re likely to find something you can use here. You can get customized workout plans no matter your fitness level or goals, or the amount of time you have available. Use the tracking feature to monitor your goals.

5. Yoga Studio


If yoga is more your speed, or if you want to pick up a new hobby that’s both healthful and calming, try this app. It gives you full access to more than 20 hours of video yoga classes for all abilities. The classes are easy to follow with instructor audio, and you can personalize your practice by creating unlimited custom classes. The app also includes pose images with details to enable you to get each one just right. It also provides a goal-setting feature to make sure you keep your practice on track.

6. Water Reminder


How often have you heard the health advice to drink plenty of water? Probably a lot. But how often do you actually do it? If your answer is, “Not often enough,” you need this app, especially during a time when keeping up your immunity is critical. The app enables you to set an intake goal and reminds you to drink water at regular intervals, using cute graphics that make it seem like less of a chore. The app adjusts when you choose the type of cup you want to drink from. It also provides reports about how much you drank, average daily intake, and other important information.

7. Sleep Cycle

Good sleep is critical for good health. Use this app to track your sleep and get advice on how to improve it. For example, it may detect that you don’t have a regular bedtime and suggest that you set one, or note that when you take a bath before bed, your sleep quality increases. It also detects snore patterns, which can help you pinpoint underlying health issues, information you can use on your own or share with your doctor. Don’t forget to try out the soothing bedtime stories to help you drift off.

8. Luminosity


As you strive to keep your body healthy during the pandemic, don’t forget about your brain. This app provides brain “workouts” to improve memory, attention, problem-solving, math and vocabulary skills, and more. Use the app to play games that adapt as you improve, and get reports on your progress. You can even get customized feedback to guide your brain training and guide you to professions and activities that might be most fulfilling based on the unique way your brain works.

9. TickTick


If your life looks much different because you’re working from home, supervising kids as they take virtual classes, or shifting your usual routine in other ways, you may have trouble managing your time, which can lead to stress, which can make you more susceptible to illness. This app can help with many useful features. Use the to-do list to organize your day or the calendar to plan further ahead. Easily add tasks to these lists and get timely reminders. Set a timer to read, work, or do homework for a specific duration. And track habits you want to nurture, like waking up at a certain time each day.

10. Calm


Finally, in times of stress, it’s especially important to mind your mental health. Use this app to learn how to meditate, hear sounds to help you sleep, or use relaxation exercises for specific goals like releasing anxiety or easing depression. To get even more out of the app, check out the master classes taught by world-renowned experts.

In Summary

Staying healthy is always important, but even more so during the pandemic when lowered immunity can make you extra susceptible to catching COVID-19. So, make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep yourself strong, including eating healthy meals, getting enough rest, and staying active. Software companies like BairesDev are always developing new applications, and these apps can help you do all the right things even when you don’t have access to your usual resources.