
There’s no better time to travel the world and experience new things than when you are a college student. You are mature enough to travel alone but not old enough to have work or family obligations. This makes it easier for you to disappear somewhere for several weeks on end and visit distant countries without too much worry.

Before you head out, however, there are some things you should be aware of. Let’s tackle the most essential things you need to know about traveling as a college student and why you should go for it.

Perks of Traveling as a College Student


Why should you travel as a student and not wait until you are older and have a more stable income? Traveling is, while memorable and exciting, also tiring and expensive. College students who only have to think about assignments, papers, and exams can afford to be absent from their daily lives for several days or weeks.

Whether you travel to another in-state city or go to Europe or Asia, traveling is still worthwhile. You can gain a new perspective on the world, meet new people, and even learn new languages along the way. Plenty of travel agencies offer student travel programs designed specifically for college students who want to see the world. Here’s why you should travel while you’re still in college:

  • Meet new people and friends abroad and network with them
  • Become more independent and self-aware by traveling abroad
  • Gain a sense of individuality and confidence from your travel experience
  • Learn new skills, languages, and knowledge from other countries
  • Become more patient and tolerant toward others
  • Rest mentally and prepare for new college assignments back home

Things to Know About Traveling as a College Student

1. Check If You Have Packed All of Your Documents


The worst thing that can happen to you when heading out is to find out that you are missing one of your documents from home. While you may not be able to leave the country without your passport, forgetting other important documents can be troublesome. You may have important prescription medicine to think about or need your personal or student ID for booking accommodations.

Likewise, you will be unable to rent a car without a driver’s license, so it’s important to double-check your paperwork before traveling. It’s also smart to contact your hotel or lodging and check if they’re expecting you to avoid unfortunate surprises on the spot. Traveling is just as much about preparation and packing as it is about being somewhere abroad – check everything twice for good measure.

2. You Are Eligible for Plenty of Student Discounts

As a student, you can get a lot of discounts and freebies abroad if you look at the right places. Some countries offer free public transport when student IDs are presented while others offer steep discounts for public services. You may also get discounts for booking a room, eating in a restaurant, or visiting a cinema abroad.

Student card programs such as ISIC and Student Beans are widely accepted around the world, so look up for what you’re eligible for. Different universities will make it easier or harder to acquire certain student cards, depending on where you live. Make sure that your student ID is valid and packed (see above) and search for student discounts online.

3. Plan your College Assignments Properly Before Traveling


While traveling as a student is beneficial and life-changing for many reasons, it shouldn’t impair your college studies. With that, you should plan all of your assignments ahead of time to keep things in check while you’re abroad.

Look over your semester calendar, upcoming assignment deadlines, essays to write, and exams to study for. Use GrabMyEssay to get essays done faster, rewrite papers you want to hand in, and ask for a professional writer or editor’s help with assignments. You should also ask a close friend or roommate to keep you informed on any professor updates, lectures, and ongoing projects. You don’t have to think about these if you travel during winter or summer breaks – otherwise, try not to forget your college duties abroad.

4. Travel in Off-Season to Get Better Deals and Save Money

You can travel to places you otherwise couldn’t afford by traveling in the off-season. For example, visiting Greece in winter may forbid you from swimming but you will be able to visit historic sights, museums, and experience its culture.

Off-season traveling is a great way for you to save money and visit all the places you wanted to see. There are cheap flight tickets to consider from airliners like Ryanair which can get you from point A to point B at a bargain. You can save money by planning your trip months or even a year– however, that requires you to plan your other obligations well.

5. Don’t Head Out Without a Travel Insurance


Traveling abroad can sometimes result in you injuring yourself for a variety of reasons. You may be mountain-climbing in Asia or swimming in the Mediterranean and twist an ankle – what do you do? Getting good travel insurance before going abroad is a must.

Don’t rely on the fact that you’re young as a sign that nothing bad will happen to you. You may lose your suitcase, damage your electronics, or perhaps need an emergency dentist’s visit. Having international travel insurance will cover those costs and ensure that you spend your time abroad care-free.

6. Volunteering Abroad Often Comes with Free Perks

If you’re strapped for cash but passionate about a particular social issue or like to work with children, you can travel abroad as a volunteer. Many student organizations and international NGOs offer volunteering opportunities year long. These often come with free lodging, meals, and other perks for the volunteers.

Students who use these programs still have plenty of free time to explore whichever location they went to. You can meet other volunteers from around the world, learn new skills together, and help a cause you’re passionate about. All that for a fraction of the price you’d otherwise pay for solo traveling.

Making the Most Out of Your College Years


Travel is one of the perks of college life which many students don’t realize they have until it’s gone. Enjoy your college years and use them to visit new places, meet new friends, and travel as much as your budget allows you to. While you’ll still be able to travel abroad after graduation, nothing will replace that feeling of being a traveling student.