Bachelor Professional – what is that?

Before a decision is made as to whether a Bachelor Professional in chemistry is desirable as a qualification, the job description of a Bachelor Professional must be clarified. What is a Bachelor Professional?

A Bachelor Professional in chemistry is a manager in the lower and middle management range. His aim is to ensure that production processes are adhered to as planned. He also has a management and training function. Employees are instructed and apprentices are supported during their training.

To become a Bachelor Professional, you must pass an examination at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) (ger. IHK: Industrie-und Handelskammer). This examination is organised on a national basis. The examination can be taken twice a year.

Prospective Bachelor Professionals attend a master class.

The goal of the training

The industrial master chemist takes over a controlling and leading position in the industrial production of chemicals. He plans the production, ensures that all necessary ingredients are available and monitors the quality of the products. The master industrial chemist is thus the “manager” of a specific department or production section. In addition, he assumes personnel responsibility: The foreman in the chemical industry supervises trainees and defines deployment plans.

What does a Bachelor Professional of Chemical Production earn?

As a Master Chemist, you can earn an average salary of €3,600. The income varies greatly from Land to Land. In Hessen, for example, you earn around €4,400, in Berlin €2,900.

What is special about this field is that the starting salary is comparatively high. As a new chemistry master, you already earn an average of €3,350 in the chemical industry. In terms of wages, the chemical industry is the leader, because you get the most salary compared to other processing industries. Industrial foremen often earn less than their male colleagues.

Many companies in the chemical industry are bound by a collective agreement which they negotiate with the trade unions. The good 2011 financial year enabled a 4.3% wage increase in the 2012 collective agreement. At present, the gross basic salary for the Industriemeister Chemie is between € 3,200 and € 3,900.

Reasons that speak in favor of further training for a bachelor professional

There are several good reasons in favour of further training for Bachelor Professional. The main aspect is that the career can be advanced with a master class. The field of work is also changing. This no longer only refers to production, but also to the planning of more complex tasks.

The focus is on work processes that a Bachelor Professional examines and draws conclusions from. If necessary, a Bachelor Professional will model new work processes and perfect them. The Bachelor Professional will involve the personnel and guide them through the process. This is accompanied by a lot of responsibility, which is usually better remunerated. Higher qualifications increase career opportunities in the long term. In the event of a possible change of employer, Bachelor Professionals are given preferential employment.

Industriemeister Chemie (IHK) – The Future Prospects

Germany is a worldwide leader in the chemical industry and the innovation engine of the German economy. The investment rate in research and innovative development in the field of chemistry is there incredibly high.

Experts assume that the demand for high-tech chemical products, in particular, will continue to rise in the coming years. Therefore, the prospects for the future after successfully completing further training to become a certified industrial master in chemistry are excellent.


Before the decision for a Bachelor Professional master class is made, an overview of the advanced training should be made. This training offers many advantages. The biggest advantage is that career opportunities increase and this training makes you one of the qualified managers. A master class, therefore, brings a lot on the curriculum. A master class is an investment in your own professional future. The field of work will change fundamentally.

A Bachelor Professional of Chemical Production and Management no longer only works in production but is given much more responsibility. He plans work processes and directs personnel. A Bachelor Professional will also be a role model and contact person for the apprentices. Employers prefer to hire Bachelor Professionals. If you are thinking about studying industrial chemistry, you should then definitely consider studying in Germany. More information on this topic you can obtain here.