People who have lived through years of deprivation or deficit keep unnecessary things “for a rainy day” with the thought that someday they will definitely come in handy. It is very likely that this day will never come. And you meanwhile, constantly thinking about this black day, increase the likelihood of its occurrence. And all the junk accumulates in the house, apartment, office, garage or shed every year, daily absorbing the life resources of the owners.

The desire to protect and jealousy keep old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty. For example, when was the last time you turned on your DVD player? If yesterday, follow this link and choose a new one But if your DVD collects dust as a memory of the 20-year-old technological achievements, then it’s time to throw it away. Or give it to the museum. Like a ton of things in your home.

From Theory to Practice

Feng Shui followers claim that the accumulation and clutter of unnecessary things in the house impede the free circulation of energy, draining the lives of households and disrupting positive life processes. Do you not believe in Feng Shui? Ok, that’s your right. Let’s then just look at things from a reasonable point of view.

It is unlikely that you will argue that the collection and storage of unnecessary things and unloved items in the house causes a feeling of despondency and psychological discomfort. Keepers of trash constantly think that someday it is necessary to disassemble all this, free up space and, finally, restore order.

Top Things a Trash Can Misses

So, you need to sort all the extra and unused things into two categories.

  • Things that are hopelessly old, broken, irrelevant, associated with unpleasant moments should go to the bin right now.
  • Things that were bought impulsively, or those that you no longer need, but have kept a decent look, will be very useful to those who don’t have any things at all.

Donate to those in need or throw out the following things right now:

  • old clothes, clothes that you have not worn in the last year, clothes from which your children grew up
  • old dishes with cracks and chips
  • hopelessly broken household appliances – if you didn’t fix it right away, then you just don’t need it
  • all kinds of “memory boxes” from a relationship that ended
  • figurines, souvenirs that you don’t like – they just collect dust
  • expired medicines and products
  • books that you do not plan to read (donate them to the library or charity foundation).

And How to Decide to Say “Goodbye” to All These Treasures?

It is easy to say “I throw out all the trash!”, but realizing the intention is much more difficult. Surely in the process of analyzing the rubble, you will find something that you do not want to part with.

Do not force yourself and do not force to take radical steps right now. If you cannot decide to throw everything away at once, do it gradually. Take a separate container where you will put dubious items until the next apartment cleaning.

If you don’t need this thing in a couple of months, you can think about moving it to the bin. And it will be much easier to do this since it is already classified as “doubtful”.