
Bed bugs are reddish-brown insects feeding on human blood or warm-blooded species. They are harmless and bite humans only to receive nutrition. Their bite may cause some discomfort or, in severe cases, bleeding. In some people, the bite of a bed bug can give rise to systemic reactions ranging from mild allergic reactions to deadly anaphylactic reactions.

Beg bugs are tricky to eliminate. They may hide in places you will never see them. Therefore, Boise pest control services can analyze the cause of  entering your house and develop an effective plan to get rid of them permanently. Click here for more information.

A bed bug life cycle consists of seven stages:

  • Egg stage.
  • Nymph stages 1 to 5.
  • Adult stage.

Egg stage


The life cycle of a bed bug begins in a tiny Egg that has a white appearance. These eggs are about one millimeter in length. A female bug in her lifetime lays up to 500 eggs. These eggs are found in narrow cracks or crevices, making them harder to see. The Egg takes two to three weeks to hatch.

1st stage Nymph

There are five stages for the growth of a Nymph to take place to become an adult. Depending upon the size, the nymphs in the 1st stage of life are 1.5 millimeters long. As soon as the Egg hatched and came out, they immediately started feeding. They cannot breed during the Nymph stage, they cannot breed until they reach the adult stage.

2nd stage Nymph

After passing through the 1st molt, they turn into 2nd stage nymphs about 2 millimeters in length.

3rd stage Nymph


After completing the 2nd molting, the Nymph moves towards the 3rd stage; at this stage, the Nymph becomes 2.5 millimeters in length.

4th stage Nymph

The Nymph further grows and becomes 3.5 millimeters in length.

5th stage Nymph

After reaching the final stage of the Nymph, the size of the Nymph becomes about 4.5 millimeters in length, and maturation starts.

Adult stage


Nymph takes about 5 to 6 weeks to become an adult. After reaching the adult stage, they can breed. The mature can survive for a year without having food. The bed bugs can live for about four months to 1 year, depending on the temperature.

If you are facing bed bug infestation, it is time to bring an effective plan into action with a professional pest control service. Find the best pest control service in your locality and wave them goodbye permanently!

What should you know about eliminating bed bugs?

Eliminating them on your own using DIY methods can help you eradicate mature as well as bed bugs visible in your house. However, eliminating the entire colony, including mature and immature forms, requires professional treatment. Pests specialists are well aware of the hideouts and shelters of bed bugs. As immature do not come out of their shelter, pest specialists can use the left-behinds of mature bed bugs and trace their shelter.

Once the shelter of bed bugs has been identified, targeting these locations can eliminate the colony of bed bugs. Beg bugs are known to hide in a mattress, washrooms, kitchens, or any places that lack sanitation. Therefore, treating bed bugs mainly involves targeting these places.

Bed bugs do not directly lead to infections or diseases. However, they are known to carry pathogenic agents that can be lethal. Therefore, immediately getting rid of bed bugs can help you protect yourself and your family.

Why is it essential to get rid of bed bugs?


A bed bug bite can lead to itching, redness and in severe cases, it may lead to severe infections or allergic reactions. In patients with bronchial asthma, it can lead to an asthmatic attack or severe allergic reactions known as anaphylactic shock. A bed bug bite may lead to sleep loss or severe skin infections in some cases.

Tips to know when trying to get rid of bed bugs.

  • Know your pest

Bed bugs, fleas, and other insects look similar, and it may be difficult for inexperienced eyes to identify the difference. Therefore, before opting for DIY pest control methods, ensure that you are well aware of the pest present in your house.

  • Do not panic and go behind spray cans

Spray cans are meant to deal with cockroaches, and spray cans do not effectively treat bed bugs. This makes it essential to choose the right treatment option for dealing with bed bugs. The appropriate treatment option will provide maximum effect, lasting longer results.

  • Get ready to clean up

Bed bugs are usually seen in mattresses. They are also seen in the kitchen and washroom. Therefore, when you are opting for a professional pest control treatment, you need to ensure that you will keep the pre-infested areas clean after the treatment. Cleaning helps in preventing reinfestation of pests.

  • Keep changing your bed sheets and clothes that touch the ground


Bed bugs and their eggs or immature forms can hide in the laundry bags or below bedsheets. To avoid their infestation, ensure that you regularly wash your bed sheets and clothes and heat-dry them. Heating will destroy eggs or immature forms of bed bugs.

  • Kill bed bugs using heat

To kill bed bugs, a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius is required. Switching on heaters or heating the entire house up to 45 degrees Celsius is difficult. But this method can be used when you want to make sure that your suitcase or other small items contained in a bag do not get infested with bed bugs. By covering the suitcase or the bag with block polythene, one can manage to reach a temperature high enough to kill bed bugs present inside the house.

  • Do not spread bed bugs to others

Bed bugs are present on mattresses, t-shirts, and other garments. Throwing them away or giving them in a public laundry can elevate the chances of the spread of bed bugs. Therefore, try to avoid throwing such garments, rather destroy them.

  • Get rid of bed bugs to reduce the number of bites

The higher the number of bed bugs, the higher is the chances of bites and spread of infections.