It doesn’t matter whether you are specialised in Symfony, Node.js, iOS or React development – anytime you plan to develop a user-friendly app with beautiful designs and straightforward UI – you need to consider loads of factors.

These factors may be as substantial as major functions/particular components or slightly less important such as colors of the main menu and all the buttons. Even if you think that you’ve planned everything down to the smallest detail – there may be some tiny, seemingly insignificant areas which you’ve skipped. These may be, for example some features which can improve the UX for people with disabilities.

Below, I’ll try to focus on some simple tricks which can improve application accessibility. Let’s start with a brief explanation of what a “disability-friendly application” is. Basically, it’s nothing else but a regular app which is somehow adjusted to the users with disabilities. Now, let’s discuss what adjustments can be considered during software development.

1. Alternative texts for all images

One of the first of the good practices is setting alternative texts for all the images. When the user is unable to see the pictures, alternative texts can help. That’s why adding so-called “alts” is crucial. Depending on the complexity of a picture, alternative texts should be brief (for example a photo of a beach and the sea) or provide some more information (a photo of a statue on a market square in Warsaw).

2. Sufficient colour contrast

Another tip is about colour contrast. Setting insufficient contrast between the text and the background can cause some real difficulties for colour-blind users of your app. There are some tips which should be remembered when designing some of your app elements. All the interactive elements (i.e. buttons) should have a proper contrast set up. Also, it’s necessary to remember that any visual effect which indicates that a component is highlighted should come with the minimum 3:1 contrast.

3. Keyboard operable content

Some users may suffer from visual/mobility impairment which can cause some difficulties in using the mouse. That’s why you should make sure that navigation through all the application/website objects can be done with keyboard commands or shortcuts. Also, you should remember about making all the links and buttons active and operable via keyboard.

4. Logical focus order

Another good practice which can make your app more accessible is providing a clear visual indication of when links and any other active buttons receive focus. Also, it’s very important to make sure that the focus order is logical and intuitive. In other words – you should design your app the way none unexpected jumps to the other subpages appear when operating.

5. Accessibility guide

Last but not least – it’s always good to include an accessibility guide on your website/in your app. Obviously, it’s not always necessary but it’s pretty useful if you think about creating some easily accessible applications. Remembering these few, simple tips mentioned above may really help you develop applications which are equally useful for all the users.For more information about increasing application accessibility visit The Software House –