Home Travel Solo Travelling

Solo Travelling

by Sinke Car

People who have never traveled alone before often describe their experience as something special. Such trips provide an opportunity to treat yourself. You can travel without relying on someone’s opinion and without adapting to other people’s tastes. Isn’t that great?

Many avoid travelling alone in vain. You can do what you want and when you want. All your mistakes will be only yours and you don’t have to worry that you ruined someone’s vacation. A negative experience can be a great incentive for further victories. Even a solo-business travel can be exciting if you are careful and follow certain rules.


Here are some tips that make your solo journey safer and more fun:

  • While the booking the hotel, find out the time of check-in. It’s better to know if the hotel has a 24-hour reception. 
  • Even if you decide to travel alone, don’t forget about your friends. Stay in touch with them and don’t forget to leave a copy of your route for your family members.
  • Find out how long it takes to get from the airport to your hotel or apartment. Use the map for a possible route and be sure to check the price of your trip. Ask the driver the cost before the journey, if the price seems too high, try to find another taxi.
  • Use only the services of trusted travel companies. Read reviews and compare prices. For example, if you want to visit Russia, you can book a private tour. For more details click here Petersburg.Expert; if you need not just a sightseeing tour, but a shore excursion, indicate this, as well as the language your guide should know.
  • Try not to look like a tourist. Leave your new souvenir T-shirt with a huge inscription ‘I love Roma’ in the hotel room. And try not to look through your guidebook every 10 minutes.
  • Don’t draw attention to yourself, wearing all the best. Leave luxurious clothing and jewelry for a special occasion. You should think about comfortable clothes and shoes.
  • Don’t tell strangers that you are travelling alone. If you ask for directions, say that your friend is waiting for you. This little lie can save you from troubles.
  • It’s better to make sure you have a wallet and a phone leaving the hotel. Check the public transport schedule and museum opening hours in advance. A solo tourist who shakes out a backpack in search of a bank card or a guidebook may attract the attention of scammers.
  • Trust but verify. Be careful when you meet new people. Con artists often look like responsive and friendly people who are always ready to help. 


Solo travelling is an incredibly rewarding experience. Leaving your comfort zone will encourage you to gain confidence. Everyone should travel solo at least once, it can help you to learn how to solve various problems. Although the better you prepare, learn about cultural norms, language, and security, the better your holiday will be.

During a solo travelling, you can rely on yourself alone. It is scary to some and inspiring to others. In any case, if you decide to go on a trip and could not find a companion, don’t be upset, and hit the road.