CanadianCozie is a tax consultancy firm that operates in Canada. It offers several services including tax deduction, crowdfunding, and strategic tax planning. It provides financial services to leisure, big and small businesses, and individuals.

The company has a dedicated team that is known for its straightforward approach to solving the most complex financial problems. The company also works as a trusted third party to raise donations for the needy.


Let it be a high paying job or an average monthly income of an individual, tax payables are something that can’t be to get rid of.

Income Tax is the payment that is obligatory on business and individuals within their jurisdiction. The Government generate revenues with the help of income and tax and utilize that amount into the betterment of the citizens.

However, as the world is evolving day by day, several companies offer a tax deduction for the ease of individuals and businesses.

A tax deduction allows people to lower their tax payables by donating a specific amount to the needy people. These donations can be shown as expenditures and thus it results in relaxation in tax payables for the business or individuals.

Crowdfunding is a technologically advanced way to donate the money. It allows for raising money for donations. It’s an easy way for charity as it doesn’t require to go to the bank. It can be done through registered organizations.

CanadianCozie as a Superhero:

Charity is the noble cause and it is recognized and practiced all over the globe. Here’s the interesting part, what if these charities can actually help you lower your income tax payables? Does it seem like not easily possible? Well, here your Superhero arrives to make it possible.

CanadianCozie is a sister concern of SIOM organization which allows people to save income tax and execute best donation plans for their clients. The company also prosecutes a crowdfunding platform that enables its campaigners and donors to connect safely and legally without any hassle. This service provides an excellent platform to the people with their easy to use services.

Taxpayers can easily itemize donations through CanadianCozie to minus their income tax payables. The company has launched a live chat software to answer all the queries of their customers through its program called CozieTax. This platform has successfully completed a decade providing the best services to its clients. However, it stops its services outside Canada because of the security measures and policies set by other countries.

Over the years, this service has been consistent and maintained its number 1 place at the Canada tax deduction market. It is often difficult for people to find the right channel to make donations. There’s always a risk to take such services from the companies. CanadianCozie is a registered firm that provides a maximum tax refund guaranteed.

Finally, to sum up:

There are several tax deductions firms in Canada but CanadianCozie doesn’t go with the norm. It remains true to its services and works efficiently. The company is a platform where people can put their trust and money without fear of going it in the wrong hands. CanadianCozie works as a liaison between donors and campaigners legally. It provides receipts to both ends so that there wouldn’t be any risk chances.