For many freshmen, going to university involves moving to another city and living in a hostel. Of course, some guess that it will be difficult, but what exactly to be prepared for, not everyone imagines. In this article, you will learn how a future student can prepare for student life.
1. Learn how to cook

Mommy won’t cook for you. Unless it’s on vacation. So, at least six months before hour X, start asking your mother how many minutes buckwheat is cooked and why pasta should be washed, and at the same time learn how to cook the chicken broth. Otherwise, you risk either losing weight on a hungry diet or getting fat on fast food.
You will be tempted to eat stuff that will fall to the bottom of the stomach, difficult to digest, and poison the rest of the organs. Even if your legs are sore from fatigue, cook and eat normal food. All these chips and noodles will come back to you sooner or later. If you do not plan to stay in this world and you are not embarrassed by the weight gained, at least think about the money. It’s cheaper to cook.
2. Don’t forget about household goods

Dishwashing agent, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, soap – all these things in the house do not appear by themselves. Awareness of this fact may not come soon, so get ready in advance: start buying all this yourself before you arrive.
3. Learn to negotiate

The most interesting thing about campus is the neighbors. They will certainly not look like your friends or roommates from popular youth films, the law of meanness can easily get caught by people with whom you will have very little in common. But they will be there for years to come, as they say, in grief and in joy and in wealth and in session. Get used to it and learn to build relationships with different people.
The campus is not a home where you have a private bathroom and a personal kitchen. In dormitories, it’s all a common household. Learn to shower quickly, clean up after yourself, negotiate, and interact with your roommates.
If you get a neighbor who washes the floors strictly on his half of the room and twitches when you sit on his bed, or a neighbor who makes mountains of wraps, eats crumbs from the keyboard and listens to his deep house at full volume – do not swear. You can always try to get rid of your neighbor. The easiest and painless way is to find an adequate person and agree on resettlement. And watch your speech – gossip spreads in such enclosed communities faster than you can shut your mouth closing your complaint about a bad neighbor. Good relationships with these people still may be useful.
4. Teach yourself to order

You have to clean your room at least twice a week. Surprisingly, it gets dirty in the dorm after two days. No one knows why, but they do. So, to avoid tripping over dirt sooner or later, clean up more often and negotiate with your neighbors, in what mode you will do it. It is better to immediately agree with your roommates on how you will live, what time to go to bed, how many times a month to arrange cleaning, and so on.
You will immediately understand how the world works away from parental care. If you don’t clean it up, nobody will, the mountain of garbage will grow fast. The bed will have half the stuff of your wardrobe. Do not grow dirt in anticipation of a big holiday, a weekend can be spent with much more benefit, regularly and together maintaining order in the room.
5. Keep up with your studies

Sure, you can sleep the first lecture or skip the last one, but don’t get carried away. Dorm life is full of temptations and no strict parents around. And you can easily afford to leave studies and watch “at home” favorite show or hang out all night with cool guys from the fourth floor, without thinking about the fact that tomorrow early to get up for credit. Just remember that you’re here to study in the first place. Sites such as can help you in this domain.
6. Get used to the schedule
Any campus has such a thing as a curfew. So learn to plan your work, study, and rest in advance so that you don’t disrupt it. A curfew is not a mom who’s gonna screw up and stop. It’s getting tougher here. And you can only bring guests at certain hours.
7. Plan your budget

Well, the most important thing we left behind was the budget! First, find out from your parents how much money they can give you to live in the dormitory and plan your budget: don’t forget to pay for accommodation, travel, and communications. Put it all together, subtract the money, divide the rest by the number of days, and you’ll have an idea of how much you can spend on food. By the way, experienced students say that if you learn how to cook on your own, you can save a lot on cafes and cafes, so that will remain on the fun.
8. Respect Your Roommate

This rule, by the way, is relevant not only in the dorm, but it must also be respected always and everywhere. A neighbor is learning something – watch the movie in your headphones. If you want to read at night, turn on the desk lamp. And don’t make too much noise late at night! It’s terrible when you can’t sleep because someone is laughing loudly or talking (sometimes even earplugs can’t be saved) in the next room (or worse – on the next bed).
By the way, one of the most common causes of conflicts between neighbors is cleaning. Surely you would be unpleasant if a neighbor scatters her handkerchiefs all over the room or uses a single chair as her personal wardrobe, throwing tons of things there? That’s right. Always clean up after yourself. And do it in time, not ever again.
9. Don’t forget to call your parents sometimes…

They worry as much as you, or maybe even more.