We all need a way to make a reliable income. There have been jobs since society has existed. And ever since then, every job we have done in person. Until very recently that is.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of jobs you can do online, and a lot of them can be a very reliable source of income. For many people, a job like this seems too good to be true. But there is a chance for anybody to get started making an income online, especially if they have some kind of skill or talent.

There are millions of people that are currently making their living by working online. Here are a few legit ways you can make money online.

Art commissions

If you have any artistic ability, you have a great chance to earn a living online. You can offer your talents for a reasonable paycheck. A lot of people are looking for artists that can draw, paint, or make digital art that will then be used by those people.

You can market yourself on social media and get requests for commissions. There’s a countless number of people who are already making a living by selling their art and working with, either companies or people. Any kind of art is appreciated, digital art, painting, concept art, and so on.

Google Ads

If you already own a website or blog and you want to start making a steady income from it, then look no further than Google Adsense.

Almost every time you visit a website, you see google ads. There’s a good reason that they are everywhere. They are very easy to set up and get them running on your site, and if your website or blog gets enough traffic, they can be a very good way of making money.

A cool thing about Google Adsense, other than being very easy to set up, is that it requires no maintenance cost to keep them up. All you have to do is to sign up for a Google AdSense account and from there, Google will do the rest of the work.

Social media

There are more social media accounts then there are people on the planet. In fact, in 2024 there are 3 billion people who have at least one social media account. Now, that number might make you feel like it’s impossible to stand out and be one of the more recognized personalities on the internet. IF you need any help with getting yourself out there on social media, you can visit socialyy.

A social media star is a genuine career choice in today’s age. There are hundreds of thousands of people that have become famous and make a living online through social media.

Most famous social media pages, like Instagram pages, YouTube channels, and so on, make their money through having advertisements on their page. Another way that social media personalities make money is through sponsorships.


Hosting an online podcast is another good way to make money on the internet. Some companies are willing to pay good money for you to sponsor their products. Usually, you will have to have a little ad break in the episode to tell your listeners about the product and where they can get it.

Podcasts are getting more and more popular recently and that means that it can be pretty hard to distinguish yourself. The trick is to find a niche and then focus on growing your audience. There are a lot of things that go into podcasting. You have to buy decent gear, write a script, and other things that take a lot of time and effort out of your day.

Although podcasting isn’t the easiest way to make money online, it is one of the most fun, since it gives you the chance to talk about something that you are very passionate about.

Freelance writing

If you have any skill or experience with writing, or if you’ve never tried but think you have what it takes, freelance writing is a great option for you. Many people make way more than a comfortable living by writing for websites.

The most important thing to remember, when working as a freelance writer, is that you have to be original and hard-working. As long as you keep offering great content, the people that have hired will not only probably hire you again, but you will be making a network of connections that will get you going up amongst the ranks of other writers in no time.

Once you have distinguished yourself as a capable writer, you will be earning a lot of money. Another benefit of being a freelance writer is that you will be working from home. You will have a lot more free time to spend with your family or by pursuing any hobby or interest.

Online Courses

Teaching others is a noble job. But sadly, nowadays the average teacher isn’t paid as much as they deserve to be. But thankfully, online courses are a great way to earn a respectable living.

You can teach others how to do the things that you are good at and make a lot of money. There are courses on everything. Cooking, writing, music production, business, the list goes on. If you think that you have some skill that others might want to learn, and if you think that you have the patience to teach it to others, making an online course is a no brainer.

There are online tools that you can use to set up an online course. It is very easy and once it is set up you can start waiting for people to start signing up. Most courses are done with a subscription method, where the “students” pay a monthly fee to get access to lessons. The other type of payment method is where the participants pay once for each lesson, or where the participants pay for a group of lessons at once.