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To lead a happy and disease-free life, a person must exercise and stick to a healthy lifestyle. It’s true that with age, human beings become more prone to various diseases. However, consuming fresh and nutrient-rich foods and herbal teas on a daily basis can help one stay healthy and fit both physically and mentally.

In this article, light is shed on some of the best herbal teas that offer short and long-term health benefits. Health freaks consume herbal teas every day as these are a way better alternative to caffeinated and sugary beverages. Many people buy different kinds of top-quality teas and organic herbal teas from, one of France’s renowned tea manufacturers.

What’s Herbal Tea?

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Aside from the excellent taste, natives (primarily in China and a few parts of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia) have been consuming herbal teas for thousands of years for their exceptional medicinal properties. Instead of tea plants or leaves, experts make different herbal teas by soaking herbs, roots, and flowers.

Besides green tea and black tea, you can drink these teas multiple times a day without any worry as these consist of various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Caffeine isn’t present in such healthy teas.
Without further ado, let’s check out the best herbal teas that can facilitate you to keep your body and mind healthy and active.

1. Chamomile Tea

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Most people who often experience stress and sleep issues consume chamomile tea because of its relaxing effects. This particular organic herbal tea helps one alleviate major symptoms of depression and anxiety.

It has various properties – anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and liver-safeguarding. Chamomile tea is the go-to option for many to get relief from premenstrual symptoms aside from improving blood lipid, blood glucose and insulin levels.

2. Ginger Tea

One of the most widely consumed herbal beverages in the world is ginger tea. It’s a spicy and flavorsome beverage, which people enjoy drinking a lot. Many regard it as a scented tea that’s second to none. However, it has gained immense popularity primarily for its disease-combating antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger tea is an effective organic remedy for nausea. People with diabetes receive immense health benefits when they consume it daily. It is also instrumental in relieving period pain quite fast. Most individuals, who become cognizant of the hidden health benefits of tea, sip on ginger tea every day.

3. Lemon Balm Tea

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Aside from health-promoting properties, many people, including adults and the elderly, drink this particular herbal beverage for its fantastic taste. It is easy to discern because of its typical light color and lemony tang. Many people, who prefer sipping on white tea, also relish lemon balm tea these days.

It plays an instrumental role in mitigating arterial stiffness by improving arteries’ elasticity. It consists of antioxidants that help slow down the ageing process. To get glowing and younger skin, you should start having this specific beverage from today onwards.

4. Hibiscus Tea

Experts use fresh and vibrant hibiscus flowers for creating premium-standard hibiscus tea. This particular herbal beverage is often served both hot and iced to customers and guests at many cafes. People really enjoy the tangy smell of this tea, aside from the fact that it helps reinvigorate them and uplift their mood.

It can safeguard a person who drinks it regularly against bird flu strains and typical viruses effectively due to its antiviral properties. However, there isn’t enough evidence to corroborate this fact. It helps reduce high blood pressure and oxidative stress in athletes when they consume it for two months continuously.

5. Peppermint Tea

People all over the world drink peppermint tea because it offers numerous health benefits. Quite similar to ginger tea, it helps improve digestion. Many general physicians recommend consuming this herbal tea as it consists of menthol, which facilitates users to mitigate bloating and soothe the intestinal tract.

To reap most health advantages, try to have it before going to bed at night. Peppermint tea is one of those herbal beverages that help relieve mild and moderate chest pain apart from enabling individuals with problems in the esophagus to swallow better what they eat. It is an efficacious natural remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

Aside from the super-healthy herbal teas mentioned above, to boost your immunity and fortify your body and mind, it is essential to consume green tea and black tea on a regular basis. Read on to become aware of the health benefits of these two prominent types of widely available tea.

6. Green Tea

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The largest green tea-consuming country is China, followed by Japan. Chinese people consume nearly 50% of the gross green tea consumption in the globe. People in Japan drink green tea approximately 80,000 tons per year. It will be easier for you to keep the risk of diseases such as cancers and dementia at bay if you drink this refreshing tea every morning,

It helps boost heart health and bring down the risk of type 2 diabetes. If a person becomes well aware of the amazing health benefits of drinking green tea, they will certainly include it in their daily routine. The role it plays in alleviating typical symptoms of cardiovascular diseases is truly commendable. In comparison to those who hardly consume this particular kind of tea, regular green tea users have a 14% lower risk of heart stroke.

7. Black Tea

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There might not be anyone who hasn’t heard of black tea if not drank it. Similar to green tea, it is also known for offering a myriad of health advantages. There isn’t a better low-priced healthy tea than it, which is pivotal in bringing down the risk of heart disorders, diabetes, inflammation, cognitive decline, and potentially cancer. Many consider black tea to be an effective alternative to the green variant.

You will certainly be able to live a healthier and happier life if you keep drinking quite a few of these health-boosting teas regularly. Besides preventing your body from becoming easily susceptible to a wide range of diseases, daily tea consumption will also help you keep stress, depression and anxiety away.