Running a successful business is more than having a lot of customers and making a lot of profit. It is also about keeping those customers for months and even years, and knowing that you are doing everything you can to keep up the standards and set an example for other places.
If you are in the food industry, then you already know how important hygiene is, and in this article, we are going to talk about one of the main things in every kitchen and restaurant – grease. Continue reading if you want to know what the dangers are of oil and fat buildup and how it can harm your business, employees, customers, and even the environment.
1. Plumbing issues

The number one danger of oil and fat build-up is plumbing issues. We all know that grease is liquid when we handle it, and one thing we forget about is that when it cools down, it hardens and it can cause serious issues.
If you don’t want to clog your pipes and if you don’t want to risk damaging them permanently then you should never throw the grease directly into the sink. No matter how much of a hurry you are in, or no matter how small the amount of liquid is, you should always dispose of it properly. In some cases, sanitary sewer overflow can occur when you don’t clean and dispose of the fat and oil in the right way.
2. Fire

As you already know, the biggest concern in every commercial space that runs a food preparing business is fire. Since there are a lot of things that are cooking at the same time, and there are also extremely high temperatures, we try and take all the precautionary means to protect our customers, employers, and business from fire.
The number one cause for more than half of the fires that happen in restaurants is grease, and when you are leaving your trap uncleaned you put yourself in serious danger. According to Premier Grease, you can prevent these things by cleaning the trap regularly, and by using hood cleanings that will help you get rid of all the grease in and alongside your grills, stoves, and cooking appliances.
3. Odor

Have you ever forgotten to clean just one pot or a pan after cooking something? Have you ever left it just lying around for days? Do you remember that odor and do you remember how difficult it was to get it out of the air even days after you cleaned it?
Well, imagine the same odor on a much, much bigger scale. When you don’t clean the grease traps regularly, the content there is going to start to decompose and rot. In the beginning, it is going to smell just around the trap, but as days go by, the odor will spread all over the kitchen and the rest of the business area. Your guests will be leaving even before they sit at a table.
4. Pests

When you don’t clean the grease trap regularly, you risk the bad odor attracting different pests and vermin. You don’t want to attract rats in your restaurant or kitchen, but the reality is, this is what is going to happen.
The worst thing is, once this happens, it is going to be extremely difficult for you to get rid of the pests, and you will need to spend a lot of money if you want everything to be done promptly and correctly. In case there are rats in your kitchen, you will need to sanitize everything, you risk them damaging your other equipment, you risk losing guests, and you may even lose your permit.
5. Penalties

Now let’s talk about the fees and the penalties that you risk getting if you don’t properly manage your equipment. As we mentioned before, there are a number of issues that can happen if you don’t clean the trap and the appliances regularly, and your customers will notice that there is an issue.
If you get caught by the sanitary inspection that you are not maintaining the business properly, you will get fined, and you also risk losing your license. Many places have been closed just because of this issue, and you definitely don’t want to add your business’s name to this list.
6. Environmental issues

If you want to take care of the environment, and if you don’t want to contribute to pollution, separating the trash is not the only thing you can do to do your part. It is said that companies and factories are the biggest issues that pollute nature the most, so you should try and do whatever you can to help instead of hurting the environment.
No matter if you are using a regular or a rooftop trap, you need to clean and empty it before it is one-third full. When you don’t do this, you risk the oil and fat getting mixed with rainwater, and then going down the gutter. The gutter water usually ends up in rivers and oceans, and the grease from your restaurant could be responsible for harming plants and marine life.
7. Injuries

The last thing we are going to talk about is injuries that you, your employees, or your clients can sustain. When the oil and fat are not regularly cleaned off all the places, including the trap, kitchen surfaces, and floors, you risk someone slipping and falling.
These slips and falls can be extremely dangerous because this area is filled with sharp objects and high-temperature appliances. If something like this happens, you risk getting sued, and once again, losing your license and closing down your business just because you didn’t do the proper maintenance.
All of these dangers can be easily avoided, and the only thing you need to do is make sure everything is emptied and cleaned regularly. If you don’t think you can or have the time to do this on your own, there are a lot of services that will help you get the job done. Look for the right products or services that will help you maintain the hygiene in your place of business, and know that you’ve done your part in protecting everyone who comes in contact with your restaurant.