As you probably know, there’s a belief that there’s a somewhat mystical connection between people, events, and numbers. If this is your first time hearing about this, you’re in the right place. Even the ancient Greeks dedicated many studies to this belief, trusting that numbers are symbols that can determine one’s fate. The practice continued in the following centuries, with many scholars talking about the influence of numbers on humankind. Today, this is not something out of the ordinary as numbers have appliance in mythology, religions, superstitions, and science alike. If you want to know more about the meaning that a specific number carries with itself, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will discuss your favorite number and what that says about you. Let’s start with the first one – number one.
Number 1

Numero uno, as Italians would put it, means exactly that. It often refers to the one who is the first in something, the number one, the best individual. Many great leaders are associated with this number as it’s synonymous with leadership and confidence. This number carries other traits, and you with it if it’s your favorite, are selfishness and trust. Furthermore, it’s associated with lonesomeness, as it is, as they say, lonely at the top. This is one of the reasons why it is also associated with God.
Number 2

This number is closely tied to the partnership, as it represents duality and singles out the relationship between any two entities. For those with close association with this number community of two is essential for wellbeing. This number has deep roots in Buddhism as it refers to day and night, the sun and the moon, and life and death. Intuition and emotion are the two things that are strong with people close to No2. These individuals also tend to be shy and pessimistic at times. But, they’re also able to see both sides of every event or situation.
Number 3

Three is for those who see themselves above all else. Number 3 is closely tied to the superiority complex, and this makes it a very serious number. But, while this might sound negative, there’s more to it. People behind this number are also very open and tend to be and have fun. We wrote above might look to stand on opposites sides, but that’s what makes this number polarizing. It is not rare to have individuals in love with three being successful in art. This can be connected to their tendency for egoism. If you are eager to look into more data on No3, be free to click here.
Number 4

Dependable and reliable. Fours are those who love being part of groups, where it’s easier for them to show the two traits we listed above. But it all comes with a price. People associated with this number are also stubborn. Luckily, the two qualities we listed first easily overshadow stubbornness. Besides, it’s not so bad being determined, as thanks to this attribute, many of them can work on themselves to extreme measures, thus achieving fantastic physique. Being the best of the best is also what four strives for.
Number 5

If you are a person in motion, number five is yours. People who tend to get easily bored have it good with No5. These are people always going for more fun, more action, and they seem never to plan to stop. Energetic and curious is anyone in the shadow of five. The speed at which life takes place for these individuals often has dramatic consequences due to their inability to make choices.
Number 6

If you know someone kind, caring, and above all, patient, ask them what their favorite number is. We can bet it’s six. These people are overflown with ideas, happy for the world, but often also a hero in disguise. This is why some of them tend to be loners who hardly involve in relationships. While this could be different, their desire for an adventure and various other activities can compensate for all the flaws. If you didn’t know back in ancient Rome, this number belonged to the goddess of Venus. It is because it also represents love, beauty, and high ideals.
Number 7

This one is an educated number. People who stand behind this number go through school and work with easy unparalleled by any other number. Individuals who list No7 as their favorite are often calm, considerate, and attentive. Back in the old days, this number was often associated with wisdom, and some of that belief survived to this day. What doesn’t serve their honor is the ability not to be patient and overly critical of self and others.
Number 8

Eight sometimes seems as if it was in war with seven, as it continually strives for more success than any other numbers and especially seven. Eights are hard workers who want to have their feet firmly on the ground, standing on their success. Working hard for what they desire is one of the main traits of No8. Those who know eight also know that it can be trusted and that in terms of personality and lightheartedness, they can be the best of the best. Their belief in harmony always makes them believe in a brighter tomorrow. If you ever visit China, remember that they see it as one of the luckiest numbers.
Number 9

Number 9 is the last on our list, as you could have guessed, and as such, it combines a little bit of all the numbers we have listed above. Nine holds for those who want more of life in all fields. Talented people tend to take advantage of their abilities to reach the top in all spheres of life. They’re those who excel as leaders, similar to the first number in this list. Action and adventure are your favorite past times in the world if you are a No9.