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What is 2D game art? Of course, this is an art that is not 3D. There are specific examples of this art such as cartoon arts and 2D-related video games. The style of which is somehow different from the 3D arts that have been popular in the present generation. However, the impact of a 2D game has the same significant value as the 3D counterpart. The bottom line is, 2D arts are really fantastic until today. A particular video game becomes enticing and attractive through the 2-dimensional visuals.

When you see a game, what usually is the first thing to come into your mind? Of course, if you are a gamer, you want to have an exciting game, or a game art which can provide puzzles. As a player, you want to have an engaging experience. Otherwise, you may choose another game that can provide you with what you truly want.

Why do you need to read this article? In this blog post, there are 2D game art tips that artists should follow. Paying attention to the succeeding tips will lead you to success if you are in the video game industry.

Understand 2D game arts in a deeper sense!

2D art is art. This is a fact which must not be argued. Why so? Because 2D video games become attractive and alluring for the users when there are 2D features present. Stimulating the interest of the gamers can be done wisely and effectively with the presence of 2-dimensional arts. That is why you have to know the tips which a video game artist and creator can utilize in order to produce a desirable game art.

Your purpose is to make people believe that the game you will produce will meet the demands of the users. This is the main reason why considering the tips cited hereunder will definitely bring you to the pedestal of success.

Let’s start the ball rolling now!

1. You have to know and use the right 2D game tools.

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What software are you familiar with? As an artist of 2D games, you have to make sure that you know the right and appropriate tools. The necessary output will come out when you have the right tools. What tools should preferably be chosen by the artists of 2D games? Thesis are Corel Painter, Manga Studio, Adobe Photoshop, SAI, among others. These tools are perfect to produce the desired output.

Furthermore, you can use Argentics for the best animation and integration process of the 2D game. On their website, you can find how they can help you achieve your goals and objectives in creating and producing a 2D artist game. You can find seasoned artists on their official website. So, just visit it if you want great results.

2. Do not ever limit your styles in creating a 2D game.

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Did you know that there are different sizes and shapes when it comes to mobile games? Yes, this is quite true. Therefore, you have to show an apparent representation of each game that you will design for the players. In terms of style, there is what we call a 2D environmental design. The fundamental aspects of designing must be known to you. Remember that the bubble shooter has a lot of expectations from the game itself. Thus, the style must be artistic in one way or another. The interface itself should be creative and aesthetic.

3. Do not forget about the fundamental artistic rules to engage.

There are aspects in 2D games which you should comply with. These aspects include perspective, anatomy, shade and light, composition, color and contrast. To state it clearly, it’s not easy to create a 2D game. That is why the artist should be widely and deeply knowledgeable. Then, researching the latest trends available today is advised. The visual aspect of the 2D game must be impressive. You have to be aware that failure to provide what is expected can trigger the loss of interest among the 2D gamers.

4. Expect that there are lots of drafts before having a polished one.

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Get yourself ready for having evaluative outputs. What does it mean? You can have lots of rough drafts before having the final one which you think can meet the expectation of the players. Having the perfect 2D game design is not that easy. This is not really a walk in the park. You have to undergo a tedious process. In other words, there is no what we call a quick process. Of course, you want perfect 2D game art, right? One that can satisfy the needs of the users.

5. Having a perfect 2D game art is a continuing process and not one with finality.

The term “final” is not always applicable when it comes to designing a 2D game art. What is the implication of this matter? As you want to persuade your audience that your 2D game art is the best for them, the process should continue from day 1.

Lots of revisions must be done. Quick updates should be executed in order to meet the needs of the 2D game art users. And take note of this. It is suggested that you will get feedback and comments from the users or gamers as you can use their thoughts to further enhance the 2D game art.


The given 5 tips are just simple to follow if you are a 2D game artist. You can as well consult professionals if you want more relevant details. They provide services to help video game creators have the right product for their audience. The services they offer range from 2D to 3D arts. Irrespective of the genres and platforms, they can serve any company which intends to produce 2- or 3-dimensional games.