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Did you recently start noticing varicose or spider veins on your legs, now that you’ve reached your 30s or 40s? If yes, you need to know that such a phenomenon can wreak havoc on your health, if left unaddressed. Noticing varicose veins on your legs and not treating them may subject you to future pain, itching, irritation, and bulging out of the skin. This is when you need to consult a doctor.

Before moving on to the details of the available treatments of varicose veins, let’s check out the causes of spider veins and varicose veins in humans. Scroll down for more information.

Varicose and spider veins – What are the causes?

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If you’re not living under the rock, you’d know that veins serve a primary role in the body of humans and that the body is full of veins. The main task of veins is to carry blood from other parts to the heart. Blood always circulates within your body to deliver oxygen to different parts of your body and to discard the waste from your body. Whenever there is improper blood circulation, you can develop potential health problems.

In an instance where your veins are not able to carry blood to your heart, varicose veins and spider veins occur in your body.

In fact, in a few cases, these veins even start to fail or stretch out as the valves in the vein stop working. This leads to reduced circulation of blood and hence varicose veins and spider veins occur.

Is the treatment of varicose veins just a cosmetic fix?

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There are some who are of the notion that treating varicose veins is similar to a cosmetic fix but this is not the case. Experts suggest that the process can be life-altering and painful at times and hence you should get it treated.

As per the Vascular Disease Foundation, around 25-30 million Americans are detected with varicose veins. An eminent interventional radiologist said that varicose veins can have a detrimental impact on the daily life of people. There are times when people hesitate to move out of their homes as they feel hesitant while wearing short dresses during summer. For resolving this kind of problem, you should visit

Doctors are of the opinion that if varicose veins are left untreated, they can lead to more critical conditions like vein inflammation, chronic ulcers, and other diseases that may result in a blood clot. When this happens, blood tends to flow backward, thereby causing increased pressure on the veins. It’s inflated to give way to the poor flow of blood and this leads to dilation, pain, and bulging out.

What are the available treatment options?

While there are self-care options that you can do at home to relieve yourself from pain, there are medical options too. You may wear compression stockings, avoid standing for a prolonged period of time, or elevate your legs to reduce the pain associated with varicose veins. Support stockings maintain them to be compressed so that they’re not filled with blood.

Apart from these, there are three procedures among the minimally-invasive ones – Sclerotherapy, Microphlebectomy, and EVLT (Endovenous Laser Therapy), the newest treatment. Let’s take a detailed look at the facts you need to know on the first option, Sclerotherapy.

All that you need to know on Sclerotherapy

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Sclerotherapy is a type of treatment where the GP administers medicine through injection into the blood vessels which makes them shrink. This form of treatment is commonly leveraged for treating varicose veins, which are similar to spider veins.

The process is non-surgical and is done only through administering an injection. This can also be done for treating lymph and blood vessel issues that make the vessels function properly.

Sclerotherapy utilizes a vexatious solution which is known as a sclerosant. This is injected into the lymph vessel or the vein. As soon as this solution is injected into the vein, the solution stings the vessel, making it inflamed. This inflammation will restrict the blood flow or the lymphatic fluid and the blood vessel will get back to its normal size.

When is the right time to opt for sclerotherapy?

All individuals don’t have spider veins or any other condition that has to be treated with sclerotherapy. Individuals have to discuss the symptoms and the options for treatment with the doctor so that it can be decided whether or not sclerotherapy is the answer to their problem.

There are other treatments that are more reasonable and much less invasive. For instance, hemorrhoids usually get cured with non-prescription treatments. This might involve changes to lifestyle like eating more fiber and not giving pressure during the release of the bowel.

People who suffer from spider veins should choose sclerotherapy during situations like:

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  • When the veins give you pain
  • When the legs have become sore or make you feel heavy
  • When there are rashes near veins
  • When the skin on the feet or legs is dry or patchy

What needs to be done during Sclerotherapy?

In the majority of the sclerotherapy cases, the solution that is injected reaches directly into the veins of the person. Once this solution enters the body, you may feel mild cramping and discomfort for a minute or two, particularly when the injection is administered in larger veins. The entire process of sclerotherapy takes 15-30 minutes.

The total number of them injected in a single session depends on the location and size of them and the overall physical condition of the candidate. Sclerotherapy is done in the office of a doctor by a surgeon or a dermatologist. You can’t perform any kind of aerobic activity for some days post the sclerotherapy process.

So, if you’re someone who has been diagnosed with varicose or spider veins, you may opt for sclerotherapy after consulting with your doctor. However, if you choose sclerotherapy for cosmetic purposes only, the costs may not be covered by your insurance company. In case of further queries about insurance coverage, speak with your insurance company agent.