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When can all know a good business leader when we see one, but it is often difficult to understand what actually makes someone a good business leader. What exactly do these people do that makes them great at focusing, putting their ideas into practice, and conceptualizing successfully? In order to be a successful leader, you will need to have a solid idea, one that you can change and articulate in the future. You must have various characteristics, you also need to have passion for the things you create, and you must allow that passion to be seen in everything you do, speak, feel, think, and communicate. Here are some successful business leaders to follow:

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon


Yes, everyone knows his name, and yes, Amazon is undeniably a huge retail company that is a major rival to Google, and yes, the company’s purchase of Whole Foods in 2017 was another major gain of the $100 billion man. However, as most people view Bezos as an empire-builder, the roots of his successfulness run deep. There is something in Bezos’s leadership that we often miss, since the beginning of Amazon, it has been customer-obsessed, there was also a willingness to adopt various external trends, and there is a commitment to good decision making. But, it does not end there, Bezos also wanted to make Amazon committed to increasing the quality of its employees. In 1998, he asked himself three questions about job applicants, and he still asks them the same questions today. Here are the questions:

  1. Will you admire this person?
  2. Will this person raise the level of effectiveness of the team they will enter?
  3. Along what dimension might this person be a superstar?

There are various reasons why Amazon became what it did, and most of the reasons have to do with how Jeff built a team of committed, talented, and passionate team members.

Hari Ravichandran, CEO of Endurance International Group (EIG)

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Hari is a technologist who is passionate about communities. When he established the Endurance, his goals were to make major contributions that are focused on improving, health, education, and he also wanted to empower the youth locally, as well as globally. An engineer by schooling and an entrepreneur by nature, he has founded several businesses that are focused on technology-enabled services and web security. But, how did he do that? Well, he achieved it like this. With the experience he previously gained, he has learned that sometimes the best thing to do is not risk it with some decisions, but take a long view and build the foundations of a stable business. He also learned that it is quite valuable to build a strong company culture in the starting stage of a company.


As you can see, one of the main reasons these people are successful is because they did care about their employees and the culture in their culture, hence before looking at anything else, you could try focusing on your employees and then on everything else. It will make your job much easier and you will be able to succeed in what your plans are.