
Most students complain that there are times they take a long to complete a chapter in a textbook. When they complete an assigned section, they will not remember a thing. The secret is you need to take notes while reading.

This is the best and effective strategy to ensure that you grasp and retain the entire textbook’s valuable information. You will be able to review for an upcoming test and exam. Ensure you keep reading to take practical study notes and know all the mistakes to avoid. is the best way you can get more clarification on any queries and enhance your academic performance.

Below are some of the best advice and tips in taking notes from a math textbook:

  • You will need to start by writing down the title of any lesson. In case you are not sure, you can ask your tutor. Write down the mathematics problem and put down all the solutions using math symbols. Ensure you always write all the steps in your own words; this will help you know what you are doing.
  • When you do not understand something, put a question mark against the problem. It will be the right time to ask your tutor or instructor to explain the parts within the question marks. Most students tend to let it go and that they will figure it later, and the problem is that most of the time, it does not.
  • After you go home and before starting your homework, highlight all the areas in a specific color. It would help if you started with the assignment and the information from the notes. The highlighted part will illustrate the big picture of what you are doing. Always do all the math homework problems, not just part of it.
  • Taking notes involves three columns and recording different types of information on specific columns. Using the three-column methods, you register the keywords, ideas, and explanations while taking your notes. It helps with easy scanning of the notes and locating specific and essential information.
  • All the notes taken from the three-column approach helps with study guides when preparing for quizzes or exams. The method is easy to follow, divide the notebook paper on one side of the page, and do it vertically. Then have three columns by drawing lines from top to bottom.
  • Write all the information at the top of the page, such as the lesson name, student’s name, the course, the current date, and page numbers. The next step is recording the keywords and all the respective formulas. Make sure you have all the keywords, ideas, and formulas that will act as a path. All the information needs to be on the left hand of the column.
  • The information needs to be brief to avoid any confusion. You will need to record all the math problems in the middle column and state all of the issues systematically. When not sure, use a question mark against the question. Ensure you record the discussions or descriptions in each step of the math problem. Start by writing down the issues in your own words and explaining all the descriptions on the right-hand column.
  • You need to clarify and review all the information and the notes in the right column. It is the right way to compare all the notes with the book and student notes. Start studying the three columns of the notes to prepare for exams and quizzes.
  • You can modify and all the extra columns; it will be dependent on the material. Have an additional column to help record any relevant information you will get from the textbook later.

Below are additional and useful tips to take great notes:

  • Start by reviewing the entire assigned reading list. You will need to review all the assigned reading and confirm that you are reading and taking notes from the correct chapter. Avoid taking notes before the confirmation; you will save a lot of time wasted.
  • Come up with an outline and guide. You can do that by skimming through the chapters of the assigned pages. This needs to be before you start writing down the notes. Read all the instructions and conclusion to have a clear idea of the topics you will need to cover.
  • Skim through the notes and start by writing all the headings and the subheadings. Leave some room under each topic to write all your notes. It will help by keeping you organized and focused on creating better notes.
  • When you start reading, ensure it is from the beginning. You need to start from the chapter’s assigned page by understanding all the information and concepts. Start by reading one section at a time and avoid reading the whole chapter at once. Look for a section of the information, especially under one heading. Break the reading into smaller chunks for easy understating and digesting the information.
  • Use your memory to start all your notes. When you read a section and understand, close the book and fill all the critical points in the outline before you start. When you work from your memory, it will help to be attentive when reading, and you can recall all the information with ease, especially when studying.
  • You must add all the critical information that you missed when memorizing. It is a great way to ensure that your notes are accurate. It is advisable to repeat all the assigned reading sections and make sure you complete all the notes. Take breaks between the sections and be focused when reading.
  • Summarize all the reading by writing a few sentences at the end of all the notes and chapters. Start reviewing for the test by reading the summary to help trigger the memory and all the concepts.

It will take some time to master the skill of note-taking. You need to be patient, consistent, and sharpen your memory. Develop a way to retain the information and reviewing your work in intervals. It will help with your assignments and when reading for your exams all through your academic journey and performance.