If you find yourself in need of a good arborist, there are a couple of things you need to have in mind before you hire one. Arboriculture is a tricky thing to do, and you need the right person for the job, otherwise, unexpected consequences might surround what could’ve been a simple job for a good arborist. Here are seven tips you can follow to pick the right person for the job.
1. Qualifications in Arboriculture

It’s really hard to believe but a lot of people take this one for granted. Qualifications are incredibly important when you want to hire someone to do such a complicated job like -for example- tree removal. But most people don’t ask for proof of qualifications to the arborist they are planning to hire or worse – they just assume the arborist has whatever qualifications he may need to do the job right. Don’t make that mistake and ask how qualified your worker truly is. If you want to ensure a job well done, the arborist needs at least a Certificate III in Arboriculture. In a best-case scenario, he will have a Certificate V or a Diploma.
2. Your arborist needs to be insured

This is massively important. Your arborist needs to have insurance if he wants to work for you. You might think insurances are for worst-case scenarios – your arborist doesn’t need to get insurance because he is really good. But that’s exactly the kind of thinking that leads to needing insurance. Nobody is saying your arborist is going to injure himself or cause damages, but everybody can get unlucky. And if that happens, your arborist should have insurance with public liability plus workers’ compensation. This will cover damages and any injury your arborist might suffer, leaving you responsible for nothing if something bad happens. To find a certified arborist you visit Go Tree Quote, as an good example.
3. Experience
Even though you want to hire one with certified qualifications, this won’t ensure a good job entirely. When it comes to things like arboriculture, most tricks of the trade are learned when the worker is doing work. You need to ensure your arborist does not only have the theory down but the experience as well. If you want to hire one, you need to make sure he has at least three years’ worth of experience in the field. Any less than that and you might end up with a sloppy job thanks to lack of experience – something you don’t want.
4. The right attire and equipment

Everyone likes to dress nicely but sometimes the context isn’t suited for a good-looking outfit. Arboriculture is one of those times where you need to be dressed and equipped for a dirty job. Bear in mind the right type of clothing and equipment is a clear indication of how an arborist works and how seriously he takes his job. A good one will be somewhere in between a clean outfit and a destroyed one. That’s the guy you want for the job. Someone who gets his hands dirty but still takes care of himself as he’ll take care of your trees.
5. Detailed & itemized quote
An arborist who both takes pride in his job and works responsibly will give you no surprises. He will ask you to go in detail about your situation. And he will reply to you with one hundred percent accuracy about the process he will undergo to take care of your issue. If you contacted someone who answers with ambiguity about the job, it’s more likely than not that he’ll try to overcharge or do a poor job when the time comes. A good arborist -the type of worker you want to hire- will give you no surprises.
6. An arborist needs to be knowledgeable

This one is a no-brainer. Your arborist needs to know what’s going on to take care of the job correctly. When you contact him to you tell him what you need taken care of, he needs to show some sort of experience and knowledge regarding your issue. Otherwise, you might find yourself with an who makes it up as he goes, leaving room for disaster.
7. Shows up on time

If you find the best arborist in the world that never shows up when you call him, you have no use for him. A good one will take his appointments seriously and show on time. Everybody can get delayed. And if your arborist does, he will call you to let you know about the situation. Otherwise, you should be looking for someone else to do the job.