There is a possibility that you have already tried self-tan once or twice in your life and hopefully, you have successfully avoided the orange, Oompa Loompa look by reading some advice that you might have found online. However, if you did not, you are in the right place. Here is a list of helpful advice that you can use in order to get that perfect tan that you wanted to:
- For an even tan, exfoliate your body from head to tow before using any self-tanner
– In order to prevent your tan from looking spotty and fading unevenly, you can use an exfoliator before you start that is oil-free. Keep in mind that oil exfoliators will create a barrier between the tanner and your skin making your tan look streaky or spotty. You should also rub moisturizer in your skin and shave with a new razor the day before or the day of the tanning to further moisturize your skin.

- After showering or exfoliating, apply a lotion that is oil and fragrance-free to your hands, wrists, fingertips, the backs of your heels, and on the knees and elbows.
– These areas of our body tend to be quite dry and will absorb more tanning product that other areas, hence it might cause unevenness. If you have dry skin or large pores, you should apply moisturizer to your face for 30 minutes before you apply a self-tanner.

- Stick some tape to the bottom of your feet when using a self-tanner
– One of the best signs of a fake tan? The orange spots that will be on your soles if you do not cover them. You can use gaffer or painter’s tape to protect your soles in case there is any fallen residue. Both tapes are thick enough, but they are not difficult to remove once you are finished.
- Always apply a self-tanner in a dry, cool area in order to avoid sweating
– Of course, you will need to take a shower in order to get rid of any dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and anything else that might create a layer between your skin and the tanner. However, according to, you will want to leave the hot and steamy bathroom before you apply the tanner to your skin. And that is mostly because water, sweat, and humidity can easily break down the tanner, creating a streaky and spotty mess. Hence, you will want to move to a cool, dry place when it is time to apply the tanner.

- In order to successfully apply a self-tanner in your knuckle creases, bend your fingers so they look like a claw
– You probably do not walk around with your fingers straight all day, hence you need to make sure that you cover the knuckle area well. Also, keep in mind that it is important to cover all the parts of your body that might show when you move around.
- Skip over your elbows and ankles when applying it to your arms and legs
– Since these areas will soak up more of the tanner, you should skip them during the first spray. After the first spray, you should brush over them with remnants of the tanner, which will blend it in well.

- Make it easier to reach areas, like you back by making your own mitt stick
– Collect a hair tie, tanning mitt, and a back brush. Then, put the mitt on top of the brush and wrap the tie around the handle in order to keep the mitt from sliding off. Apply the self-tanner to the mitt, and swipe it across the areas that are hard to reach.

- Distribute the self-tanner on your mitt by applying it to the center
– This will help you apply less tan to your hands, elbows, feet, knees, and face. You also will not end up applying too much tanner to your face, like you would on other areas of your body.
– These are some tips that you should follow in order to get that perfect tan. Keep in mind that you can always ask for some help from your friends, especially for the areas that are hard to reach.