The quarantine changed the work conditions for many people. Thousands of office employees had to change their desks in a convenient office to a home studio or just a corner. If you are one of them, do not worry. Make your own office at home and enjoy the most convenient working environment ever.

The good thing about it that you can arrange everything according to your needs. Thus, let us check how you can make a work-from-home setup that is:

  • Budget-friendly;
  • Convenient;
  • Healthy;
  • Beautiful.

Does it sound impossible? Wait before you judge, we have some good tips for you.

Make a DIY Height-Adjustable Desk

In your office, you must use the furniture that you have. you are not going to bring there a desk or a chair, are you? However, at home, you can make your own desk.

We all know about the immense benefits to health that a height-adjustable desk can bring. Therefore, we recommend you either purchase a height-adjustable desk or to make one. A good desk will cost around 1,000 USD but you can reduce the costs significantly if you opt for making one. This option might be a better choice if you have your favourite desk but want to upgrade it.Thus, prepare the needed materials. You can use a desktop from your desk. Buy a column lift of a table lift system from a trusted manufacturer. In such a case, everything will be already included in the set, you will need just tools.

Fix the top of the desk to the lift system. Test it. If it works properly, you can use your height-adjustable desk.
A height-adjustable desk alone can provide many benefits to your health. It allows changing from a sitting position into a standing one. It, in turn, helps your back to stretch and to come into its natural position. The blood circulates better, as a result, circulation-related headaches disappear, and the risks of medical issues with the cardiovascular system lower.

An advanced desk allows you to adjust its height to a comfortable level. Thus, such issues as tunnel syndrome can be avoided.

If you use it for a long time, you can see that it is very beneficial to your health. Therefore, the productivity level increases. Once you can do more within a shorter time, you can devote more time to your family and favourite activities.

Add Some Accessories

Additional elements of your desk depend on what kind of work you do. If everything is in your computer, you do not need much. A good monitor support is a nice and convenient addition to any desk.

Good monitor support can be adjusted to incline the monitor at a convenient angle and height. It will provide top comfort to your eyes and neck.

A rack for headphones is not a must-to-de accessory but if you like listening to music while working or if video- and audio-conferences are a part of your work, you might consider it. No, we do not insist on making it adjustable though you might do it of course.

A stand for documents is a must if your work is somehow connected with them. A functional stand will keep all the papers arranged and in order. You might want to equip it with a special document clip to be able to fix the paper at the level of your eyes when working. It saves a lot of time and your eyes do not get stressed as usual.

Without an Ergonomic Chair, Things Would not Be Perfect

We all know that without a good chair, your back will start protesting any kind of work within a couple of hours. Thus, a convenient chair is a must. It is a necessary piece of furniture just like your desk.

A good chair always has an option to adjust its height to the needed level. Make sure its back provides proper support for your back. The curvature shall be as close as possible to the natural back shape.

Head and arms rests are necessary elements for the ultimate comfort. While many people ignore them, but if you want to relax for a while without leaving your working place, they need to be.

Do not Forget about an Ergonomic Carpet

If you do not use a height-adjustable desk, there is not much need in an ergonomic carpet. But here, we are talking about the most comfortable work-from-home arrangement. In the very end, if you spend at your desk most of the time, you will appreciate this element.

This carpet provides support for your feet when you are working in a standing position. If you do not use it, your feet will get all the load from your body when you are standing. Thus, it is guaranteed that at the end of the day, you end up with feet aching badly. While an ergonomic carpet helps to distribute the weight properly and prevent excessive tiredness.

Some More Things to Do for the Ultimate Comfort

You might add as many elements as you need. What about some shelves or a bookcase? Though if you need them, we believe you have already bought these pieces. However, here, we want to mention some other details.

If you are just sitting or standing, even the best items will not be of much use. If you want to enjoy your work and to keep yourself in good health, do not forget about physical exercise. A height-adjustable desk is perfect to do some of them without having to go too far.

Some of the basic ones are the following:

  • Raising on your toes and moving back to the heals;
  • Push-ups while holding onto the table edge;
  • Extending yourself;
  • Squats, and many others.
  • Even a simple change from sitting into a standing position is already better than sitting all the time.

Final Thoughts

A convenient place to work is crucial to enjoy your job and work more effectively. It, in turn, provides you with more earnings, more time to spend on the things you love. But what is more important, a convenient working place keeps you healthy.