It does not matter if you are just looking for someone to kiss under a mistletoe or if you are ready for a serious, long-term relationship, because the season of holidays can be very unpredictable. Some are ready to meet a winter cuddle buddy, while others have a new partner at the top of their New Year’s resolution lists.

If you are among those who have a new boyfriend or girlfriend towards the end of 2024 and start of 2024, astrology can help you determine how long you will last together. You might even be one of the zodiac signs who are about to find long-term relationships in 2024. In that case, you might want to look at your hookup buddy a bit more serious!

Astrologer Rebecca M. Farrar, M.A. says that there are currently some major astrological events en route for the start of 2024. They are going to affect the romance potential in people’s charts, but of course, the success and length of these potential relationships depend on many different factors of compatibility between two people in question. Farrar explains further:

“I like to think of relationship timing as a tree and certain planets being fruit that become more ripe with certain transits.” As you can see, things are far from guaranteed, but some signs have a higher chance than others. Read below how the combinations and movements of planets may lead to long-term relationships and love for three zodiac signs starting next year.

1. Capricorn (December 22 — January 19)

Between early and mid-December, Venus will conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. This combination can be the perfect thing for committing to a serious relationship. “The combination of Venus’ desire for love paired with Saturn’s commitment”, as our expert suggests, means those with strong Capricorn placements are likely to feel more aligned for something meaningful.

From early January, Saturn in Capricorn also creates tension with Juno in Libra, which is the asteroid of long-term partnership. Farrar reveals that, “Juno presides over marriage and business partnerships, and [Juno] often indicates the type of person we marry or find it easy to commit to. She helps us differentiate between being attracted to someone, such as Venus or Mars, versus what is a good long-term fit for us.” Capricorns tend to be pessimists, but 2024 is looking like a great year for a successful and lasting love. For a change, Capricorns out there should try to prioritize love over work.

2. Aries (March 21 — April 19)

Signs with strong astrological angles to Capricorn like Aries for example could also be activated when Venus conjuncts with Saturn in December. Like Capricorns, Aries are cardinal signs as well, meaning they are reacting because they both mark turning points between two seasons. Farrar says that this transit might create some “tension around the desire to connect and not knowing how” for the Aries sign. People who have Aries placements should open themselves to romantic opportunities in their lives.

Right after the New Year rolls around, the moon will transit through Aries making an aspect to Juno. Those born under Aries will maybe better understanding “what an equal and healthy long-term love can be”. As long as they are willing to show some vulnerability in 2024, Aries will have some long-lasting love waiting for them next year.

3. Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Similarly to Aries, Libra is another cardinal sign that can easily be activated when Venus conjuncts Saturn in Capricorn. We must mention that Venus is the ruling planet for Libras, so they could feel this change the most. When the planets of romance and order meet in December, Libras are going to “feel more aligned for romance that stands the test of time,” says Farrar. Still, like Aries, Libra might feel some problems between wanting a long-term romance, and initiating.

Lucky for them, when January finally rolls around, Saturn in Capricorn will tension with Juno in Libra. This should make it clearer to Libra what a true, healthy, long-term relationship may or should look and feel to them. Those who have strong Libra placements always tend to be romantics, but 2024 will be a year when that romance will truly last.

Read also: Which 5 Zodiac Signs Will Experience the Major Life Change in 2024?

Closing Word

If you are not among these three zodiac signs, do not worry! Everyone has a chance of long-lasting love in 2024, just like any other year. These three signs just have the most help from planets this time around! Just make sure to enter the New Year with an open heart and mind. If you want a committed relationship, you will have to make love your biggest commitment starting next year.