Zeleznicka bb
22320 Indjija
Invoice Number | INV-30984 |
Invoice Date | April 13, 2023 |
Total Due | $0.00 |
Reg Number: J16/391/2014 VatCode(CIF): RO32879600
Country: Romania
Address Line 1: Str George Fotino, Bl8,sc1, ap12
County: Dolj
City: Craiova
Postal Code: 200480
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | order Tips and tricks to travel through expensive Switzerland on a budget |
$120.00 | 0.00% | $120.00 |
Sub Total | $120.00 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Paid | -$120.00 |
Total Due | $0.00 |