


Zeleznicka bb
22320 Indjija

Invoice Number INV-27329
Invoice Date January 18, 2023
Total Due $0.00
Caroline Eastman
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Order

1) The Best Live Action Remakes (
2) How To Write The Perfect Blog Post (
3) How To Improve Customer Experience (
4) Different iOS Apps That Can Make Your Life Easy (
5) Things To Consider When Using MS Teams (
6) Ways to Decide What to Keep or Toss When Decluttering (
7) Movies To Watch After Your Christmas Dinner (
8) Life Lessons To Learn From DC Superheroes (
9) Things To Buy For Christmas From Amazon under $50 (
10) Things To Do On Christmas Eve (

Sub Total $256.50
Tax $0.00
Paid -$256.50
Total Due $0.00