Home Business How to Advertise Your Company

How to Advertise Your Company

by William Gist

If you own a business or a company, by now you surely know the importance of marketing. Of course, the most important thing is the quality of your products but marketing strategy is almost as significant as the services your offer. All international companies have one thing in common, obviously besides excellent products and that is the first-rate marketing strategies. Here is a list of different but equally effective marketing strategies and tools you can use to advertise your business.

First and foremost, let’s start with online marketing. With the development of technology and the Internet, online marketing has become a crucial part of every marketing strategy. Not only is it fairly easy to promote your company on the Internet, but it also gives you the opportunity to present your business to a wider network of a potential customer and connect with them.


Design a website or a blog and create interesting content that will attract people to regularly visit your page, and the chances are they will make a purchase eventually. While working on your website, make sure to optimize it for search engines using SEO in order to improve the ranking of your page on result lists in search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo.


You should also ask the people who visit your website to subscribe for a newsletter and ask them to write online reviews of your services. This way, you will build a large email database of potential customers and you can use it to further advertise your company. Occasionally, send an email to the visitors of your page to inform them of new features of your website or new products and services that you have added to your offer.


Be careful when writing these emails. You don’t want people ignoring them, so make sure they are unique and amusing. Furthermore, use social media to promote your company. Social media marketing is the best way to bring your products closer to customers since millions of people use these platforms on a regular basis.

Nowadays, social media offer you a number of manners to advertise your business such as paid ads on Instagram or Facebook ads and Instant Articles. The last thing you should do when it comes to online marketing is to set up a Google My Business account. The main benefit of using Google for advertising is that your business will be included on Google maps. In addition, it will improve SEO i.e. people who are looking for products and services you offer will find you easier on the Internet.


As you can see, there are different methods you can use to promote your business online. But, let’s talk about some face to face advertising. Put signs such as banner and feather flags in your neighborhood and all over the town you live in. You can create and personalize all your banners, choose whether you want one side or double side feather flags and order them from BS Displays. Another thing you should do is present your products at a trade show.


This way you will be in personal contact with potential buyers and you will have the opportunity to present them your company as well as your services. Moreover, you should provide them with free sampling of the products and also offer them discounts and coupons they can use if they opt to buy your products. Since the trade show attendance can be quite pricy, you can put up a stand at a local store or mall to connect with people. Furthermore, you can host a workshop in collaboration with some other company.


These are only some suggestions on how you can advertise your company. If you are creative, you can think of many more on your own. However, if you run a large company and don’t have time to work on developing marketing strategies, you can always hire a professional marketing agency to help you.